What Makes Our Laser Different
Here at vanishing Point Laser we have the Discovery Pico that is manufactured by Quanta. Our laser has both Q-Switch and Pico settings. You may be asking what does that mean? Q-switch is used to break down bold dark and dense ink and remove any black elements that could be mixed with colored ink. Once your tattoo is lightened enough to see some skin show through we switch into our Pico settings that generates a pure photo acoustic effect to shatter the ink into even smaller pieces. Pico is also used to selectively target color once a majority of the black elements of the ink are gone from using the Q-switch.
Our Discovery Pico also has different wavelengths to spot treat specific colors -
532 nm Nd: YAG/KTP for red, orange, yellow, and violet tattoos in Pico or Q-Switch Mode.
1064 nm Nd: YAG for black and dark blue tattoos in PICO or Q-Switch Mode.
694 nm Ruby for green, sky blue, and blue tattoos only in Q-Switch Mode.
Fractional - Used to treat scar tissue in your tattoo. Check out our blog about our Fractional hand-piece and how it can help with the tattoo removal process.